Downtown Jacksonville

Kevin Miller

Software Engineer

I am a full-stack Web Developer with a Sales, Marketing, & Management background. I’ve managed teams of sales representatives and grown brands throughout entire regions. I’m interested in taking my current technological, problem-solving, and collaborative skills and applying them in the Technology industry.

Things I Can Do

My current technical skills and experience:

  • React
  • Javascript
  • Node
  • MongoDB
  • HTML
  • CSS

Some things I have built:

Here are some of the recent projects I have been working on.

picture of beer helper web app

Beer Helper

Full stack application utilizing MongoDB, Bootstrap, Passport for authentication, and Node.js. Brewery sales teams can use this app to track their accounts and visits.

picture of beer detector app

Beer Detector

Application utilizing Machine Learning that can detect whether a beer is present.

picture of brewery store cart

Brewery Store

Shopping cart application for a small brewery. Made using React, Typescript and Local Storage.

picture of band practice web app

Band Practice App

Full stack application utilizing MongoDB where a band can create a setlist, vote on and delete songs.

picture of golf strokes app

Golf Strokes App

Application where uses can learn the names of the total strokes under/over par in golf.

Duval County Stargazers Picture of the Day.

Utilized Nasa's API to allow the users to search for the picture of the day.

title page for MVC lecture

MVC Lecture

Lecture explaining MVC and how to use it to organize code.

Contact Me

Interested in seeing what I can do for you? Please contact me by filling out the form below!